NH Hikes: Boulder Loop Trail


Hiking trails in New Hampshire with a view


My go-to destination for hiking has always been the White Mountains in New Hampshire. There are so many trails for all levels and many opportunities for mountain range views. It’s absolutely beautiful! And I’ve been dying to get back there.

I haven’t hiked since last October, since before the accident. It’s been a long recovery period and it hasn’t been easy. Needless to say, this hike was a monumental moment for me..

Brittni and I left early Friday morning and drove out to New Hampshire to hike the Boulder Loop Trail. We wanted an easy hike with a view to begin with. I’m still healing and am not allowed to do any extreme hikes, not yet anyway. Thanks to AllTrails for making our decision easier.

It was a perfect hike!

After parking, to get to the trail, you walk through a covered bridge which is very popular among the tourists and leaf-peepers. The foliage was at peak, so bright and colorful. The trail was very well maintained, a little rocky for beginners but easy for frequent hikers, and great for kids and dogs. I, of course, was out of breath a few times from being out of shape but we powered through it. Along the trail, you’ll see lots of large boulders (if you wonder why the trail is named there’s a brief history at the trailhead) but no worries, you don’t have to scramble up any of them. The top still has quite a bit of tree cover but there are a couple openings that give you a clear and breathtaking view while you rest and enjoy a snack.